The EverSafe + SpareFoot Guide to Storing Your Belongings During Your Move

SpareFoot is the world’s largest marketplace for finding and reserving a storage unit. We chatted with Al Harris, a web editor at, to talk about the best ways to store your belongings during your move. Be sure to save our handy infographic below so you can keep these tips with you as you prepare to store your belongings!


Why Should Someone Consider Storage When Moving?

Harris: Our research has found that about 65 percent of people who are using storage units are in the process of moving. A lot of people find it necessary and convenient to store their belongings while moving. We have also found that some people move out of their apartment or home before they know where they need to go, either due to rental contracts ending or their house selling before they have a chance to find their new home.

Thus, it’s necessary to store their belongings until they find a permanent place. Another reason is that people will renovate their new home before moving in, meaning that there isn’t a reason to move that big couch in just to move it right back out to replace the flooring or paint. Frequently, when people find themselves in any of these situations, they have the choice to sell their belongings or store them.


What are the Items that People Store the Most?

Harris: The items people store runs the gamut. It’s mostly household items, like couches and other larger items that won’t fit in a closet while people move or renovate. Sometimes it’s an overflow situation. They have sentimental items that they can’t part with, but they don’t necessarily use them or want them displayed in the house.


Why Should You Choose a Company that has Both Storage and Moving Solutions?

Harris: Having a company that has both storage and moving capabilities allows you to relax a little more if you are actively moving. The movers will pack and store for you, allowing you to concentrate on finding a new home or remodeling. Using a moving company with storage also means that you do not have to complete the move. If you are busy or unable to pack and store your belongings, this is often the best choice! Lucky for you, EverSafe offers both storage and moving services.


How Should People Prepare for Storage While Moving?

Harris: You need to have sturdier boxes and packing tape, as you are moving the items to the facility and then again when you move them to your new home. Shipping tape and cheaper cardboard boxes won’t hold up.

You should also consider the length of time between storing the items and moving them into your home. Things you need throughout the move should be kept with you, and not stored. These can include personal documents, medications, passports, and anything you might need in the immediate future.

For example, if you are moving to a new city, you might put your items in storage until you find a new home. It turns out that you have a big client meeting or interview and need your best suit, but packed it away in the storage unit. No one wants to dig through storage when the pressure is on at work.


What are the Top Tips for Finding Storage Solutions?

Harris: Do your homework by shopping around and researching. The SpareFoot website allows people to search and compare online, including prices and reviews. Take the time to call facilities to check availability, pricing, and what you are getting when you use their facility.

With that said, it is important to remember that not all facilities are the same and there is a balance between what you are paying for and what you are getting. For instance, if you have electronics or antique items that need extra care, sometimes the cheapest storage solution isn’t the best for you.

Lastly, figure out how much space you need so you are not overpaying for a storage unit you only fill halfway or find out you need a lot more space than you thought! There are plenty of tools and calculators online to help you estimate. You can then use painter’s tape to mark out your space and make sure everything fits within the dimensions of the storage unit.


What Things Should People Store?

  • Furniture
  • Non-seasonal clothing
  • Large appliances
  • Kitchen gadgets you don’t use daily
  • Yard equipment (make sure to drain the gas)
  • Books
  • Anything that isn’t used daily or that you have an immediate use for


What Should People Never Store?

  • Gasoline
  • Electronics (if in extreme heat)
  • Live plants/animals
  • Food/perishables
  • Fuel, chemicals, and anything flammable or combustible
  • Illegal items
  • Guns/ammo (there are specialty places for gun storage)
  • You should also consider whether your unit is climate controlled as extreme heat/cold/humidity can damage some items.

Downloadable Infographic Showing How to Store Your Belongings While Moving


Did you know EverSafe can pack, store, and move your belongings for you? Let us make your move easy and stress-free. Call us today to get our Price Lock Guarantee estimate!

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